Go backAEGIS – the leading experts in educational guardianship
By Aegis UK • February 2, 2022
AEGIS plays a unique and critical role in the guardianship world, being the only entirely independent charitable body regulating the industry. With safeguarding at the forefront of all that we do, our primary purpose is to ensure that international students studying in the UK are cared for and supported appropriately. Founded in 1994, AEGIS has a wealth of educational guardianship to share with you.
What does AEGIS do?
Our main role is the inspection and accreditation of guardianship organisations, carried out by experienced, independent inspectors. Our inspections are rigorous, ensuring the highest level of inspection and accreditation in the UK.
How does AEGIS inspect guardianship organisations?
Over many years, AEGIS has developed a set of Quality Standards which guardianship companies must meet in order to be granted accreditation. We encourage all schools, agents and overseas parents to familiarise themselves with the level and detail of our standards, available here: AEGIS Quality Standards. As you will see – they are extensive!
Why should I choose an AEGIS accredited guardian?
Every AEGIS guardian has shown their commitment to safeguarding student welfare and best practice by meeting our Quality Standards. AEGIS offers ongoing support, training and guidance to our guardians. Click on the logos below to see the lists of AEGIS accredited guardians.
How does AEGIS work with schools?
As well as inspecting and accrediting guardianship organisations, AEGIS also has a growing number of member schools, who support the work we do and champion the welfare of their international students. We love working with our schools, and have worked hard to support them through the last few very challenging terms.
Click on the logo below for our list of school members.