Go backGreat British Guardians Gains Gold Standard Accreditation!
By Aegis UK • March 13, 2022
Great British Guardians is a family business based in Wiltshire. As well as providing guardianship for international students, Great British Guardians offers pre-school induction programmes, assistance with the new school registration process and tailored support around university selection and entry.
The lead inspector commented,
“Pupil feedback proved to be particularly positive with respect to meticulous information being passed on in relation to details around potential homestay placements and travel arrangements. They are made to feel at ease if they wish to contact either of the directors at any time about anything whilst at a homestay placement or at school…The evidence collected from direct feedback and questionnaire analysis during the course of this accreditation process further supports the view that Great British Guardians are conscientious about their aim to provide a caring, effective and safe service to the students in their care whilst acting as their educational guardians.”
Stephen Arnott, Great British Guardians, gave the following feedback on the news of their Gold Standard Accreditation,
“Great British Guardians are delighted to have been awarded AEGIS Gold accreditation. It is wonderful to be recognised for our hard work and we are grateful to our fantastic host parents who go to great lengths to provide our pupils with a secure and nurturing out of school environment.
The pastoral and academic wellbeing of our students remains our highest priority and we look forward to continuing to support families and schools as we emerge from a challenging COVID environment.”
Gold Standard Accreditation is the most prestigious accolade that a guardianship organisation can hold
and signifies the highest standards of safeguarding and care in the guardianship of international students.
The inspection process is based on the AEGIS Quality Standards and a guardianship organisation has to
meet all of the applicable standards in order to gain Gold Standard Accreditation.