Hatherop Castle School Joins AEGIS
Hatherop Castle School is a co-ed Prep school for children between the ages of 2½ – 13, in Gloucestershire, with boarding starting from the age of 7.

Taken from the School website:
“Hatherop Castle welcomes international students into Prep 3 (age 7) and above. Here they can benefit from the many wonderful opportunities all children at Hatherop enjoy, while preparing for British senior schools or simply experiencing the British education system and culture.
International pupils join our warm and friendly family-run boarding house, where they soon settle in and make friends. Sharing one of our cheerful dormitories with other children helps them to form bonds quickly and ensures that, from the moment they arrive, they are using and improving their English.
Weekends are always busy with a huge range of trips and activities, including visits to key cultural and historic British sights, such as medieval castles, museums and the Roman Baths, as well as trips to theme parks and out into the English countryside. There is also a wide variety of after-school clubs, where they can try their hands at such activities as Lego Robotics, cookery, Scottish country dancing and sports.”
For further information please visit: https://www.hatheropcastle.co.uk/