Monkton Combe School Joins AEGIS
Monkton Combe School is a leading independent, co-ed day & boarding school in Bath, Somerset.
“Students from overseas have been an important part of Monkton for many years. At present, we have students from about 15 different countries. Students settle into boarding really quickly with the help of their Houseparents, their Tutors and their ‘buddies’ – a pupil who will show them the ropes and support them in those first few weeks when everything is so unfamiliar.
The friendships made across the different cultures are one of the great strengths of being a boarder here at Monkton. Overseas students can join the International Committee of Monkton which provides a social focus for all the students in the school who wish to share their international perspective. The committee organises cultural events and trips to some wonderful locations in the UK and also invites visiting speakers.”
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