South England Exchange Gains Preliminary Re-Accreditation
South England Exchange Ltd (SEE) arranges school and homestay placements for exchange students who come to study in the UK from several countries including Germany, Italy and Argentina.
The lead inspector reported,
“Care is taken to arrange suitable placements in both schools and homestays in order that the students’ needs are met. Students are provided with helpful information prior to arrival by means of an online training course, a booklet and by way of a Skype meeting with the National Manager. They are made fully aware of who to turn to should they have any concerns. SEE have a Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy who understand the responsibilities that come with these roles and are aware of the procedures to follow should any concerns be raised. Safer recruitment checks are undertaken on staff and homestays. SEE demonstrates that it has an effective working relationship with the schools at which the students are placed…SEE continues to be an efficient, well-run organisation whose procedures are clear, and which provides its students with a high level of service and a positive cultural exchange experience.”

Preliminary accreditation ensures all the essential requirements are in place to provide safe guardianship for international students.