Sutton Valence School – Helping Frontline Staff Stay Safe
We were delighted to receive the news from our member school, Sutton Valence, of the fantastic skills that have been put to use in making protective visors for frontline staff. Well done to all involved! Here is the full story from the school here:
Whilst the past week has been one of confusion and uncertainty, the sense of community, solidarity and selflessness we have felt, seen and been a part of, has truly been staggering.
One of Sutton Valence School’s most important values always has been, and always will be, community. When a local doctor reached out to see whether we could provide her with some essential protective visors, our kind and talented staff members rallied to see whether this would be possible.

Mr Kirk, our Head of Design and Technology, used his valuable knowledge and resources to create a visor prototype. Over the last week, he has managed to reduce the production time of these visors from 26 minutes to under six minutes each, thereby enabling the production of a considerably higher quantity of visors per day.
Along with the help of Mr Farrell, Deputy Headmaster, Old Suttonian Fergus Fowle (2019 H) and various pupils, Mr Kirk has been working tirelessly to provide these additional protective aids to those who are on the front-line saving lives and exposing themselves most to risk of infection. We have also donated our Science department safety goggles, disposable gloves and plastic aprons to those who need them.

We are delighted that we have already been able to provide our services to:
o GP surgeries
o Air ambulance
o Nursing homes
o SEN Schools
o Paramedics
o Hospitals
Here at SVS, we are truly keen to collaborate with health organisations, schools and other design departments to meet the crucial need for visors. We have already been able to help organisations throughout the UK, Germany and Italy. For those of you who may have access to the necessary resources, we are happy to share CAD drawing files, material lists and specifications to produce similar protection for your community. Please direct enquiries to
Once again, a huge thank you goes to our Headmaster Mr Grindlay, our Bursar Mr Fowle, Mr Kirk, Fergus, our pupils and Mr Farrell for their incredible and selfless contribution to keeping our community safe and healthy. In times like these, it is evident that kindness, and community is what will get us through the difficult days and weeks ahead.