The Guardian Family Network achieves Gold Standard Accreditation

By Aegis UK February 10, 2023

The Guardian Family Network provides guardianship and support services for international students attending boarding schools across the UK. The company was awarded AEGIS Preliminary accreditation status in 2020 and since this time, has grown and seen an increase in student numbers. We congratulate The Guardian Family Network for achieving AEGIS Gold Standard, the highest level of inspection and accreditation in the UK! For further details please visit:

The lead inspector reported:

“The Guardian Family Network is clear that the students’ welfare is their top priority. All students are met within the first month of being in the UK to check that they understand the expectations and are happy and settled at school. Careful consideration is paid to finding the right homestay family for the student. Following a successful trial stay, students are allocated a homestay family and the aim is wherever possible for this family to host the same student throughout their time in the UK. This brings stability and helps students build positive relationships with their homestay family. GNet have recently introduced formal welfare checks that will be undertaken alongside the usual informal contact that the Guardian Service Manager and other staff have with students to help ensure that they are happy both during and after their stay.”

AEGIS provides the highest levels of inspection and accreditation for guardianship organisations.