UK2Learn Passes Gold Standard Re-Accreditation!
Based in Godalming, Surrey, UK2Learn is a well-established guardianship company offering guardianship services to international students studying at schools and universities.
The lead inspector commented,
“UK2Learn is a small family run guardianship organisation led by a very well-established and highly experienced staff team, all of whom are fully committed to providing individualised service to international students studying away from home.
All students say they feel safe when staying at their homestays. Host families are carefully selected through a robust recruitment procedure. They are carefully matched with students and receive a Safe Care Plan detailing the interests and needs of students who stay with them. Hosts feel well-supported by the organisation and although many already have relevant pre-existing experience, they are provided with regular opportunities for online training.”

Gold Standard Accreditation is the most prestigious accolade that a guardianship organisation can hold. It is recognised by UK schools, colleges and universities and by parents and agents overseas as the benchmark for the highest standards of safeguarding and care in the guardianship of international students.
The inspection process is rigorous and includes, for example, interviews with selected staff, students and homestays. In addition, questionnaires are sent to parents, homestays, students and schools for feedback on the guardianship organisation.