AEGIS Conference 2023 Panellist

Val Barnes MEd MBA FRSA – Founder, QEG

Panel 22

Discussion and insight into National Minimum Standard for Boarding Schools 22 – Educational Guardians.


Val Barnes founded QEG in 2016, an independent, non-membership body, which specialises in providing authoritative advice and guidance on all aspects of international student provision. Over the past five years, with the support of Martin Ayres, Val Barnes has developed Quality Assurance of International Student Provision. Based on a unique methodology, it serves as a valuable tool for schools, colleges and universities, providing structure and clarity of what is an increasingly complex, nuanced, often misunderstood area of provision.

Through QEG, Val Barnes is committed to ensuring that all international students studying here in the UK, a group she has identified as being particularly vulnerable, receive the highest standards of care, support and guidance from schools, colleges and universities, working collaboratively with educational guardians. To this end, since 2017, supported by Martin Ayres, Val Barnes has liaised closely with the Department for Education on matters relating to quality and standards of international student provision and in particular, the vitally important role high quality educational guardianship plays in supporting schools, colleges and universities.