Virtual Summit, Know Culture for Better Education, Tuesday 23 -Thursday 25 June 2020 held by Paths to Learning

Felicity Gunn, a trained lawyer and teacher, has developed a deep understanding of education and how children learn, through her experience in the UK and overseas. Felicity provides advice and support to overseas parents selecting UK schools for their children. Felicity tells us more about her company Paths to Learning and the exciting Virtual Summit which goes live next week, but can be accessed for a whole year!
Since establishing Paths to Learning I have been acting as a consultant for parents, particularly international and expatriate, in their search for the best school for their children. Children have been placed in state and independent schools all round the country. I have also had enquiries from parents about children with wide ranging learning needs – whether with learning, such as dyslexia; or disability, such as blindness or cerebral palsy.
My sense is that schools and parents, over the last ten years or so, have realised the vital place guardianship plays in the success of their child’s growing up and learning.
Training is provided by many of these guardianship organisations, for guardians and host families so they can work effectively and sensitively, thereby establishing great support for children in their charge, during the school era and even life-long friendships. I had hoped to contribute, and was invited by a guardianship organisation accredited by AEGIS, to run a training day on Cultural Understanding, but COVID-19 put paid to this! So, the Virtual Summit – Know Culture for Better Education is the immediate and alternative offering.
We have 19 speakers whom I interview in half hour talks: head teachers, cultural experts, a guardian agency, those involved in induction, managing the curriculum or pastoral care, and people who have experienced being a Third Culture Kid or who have TCKs themselves.
The united message is that international pupils make a great contribution to the lives of pupils and staff alike in schools and lifelong friendships across the global community.
Schools need to be intentional in their vision for welcoming international children.
The audience is intended to be Head teachers and their teams: academic, pastoral and marketing; guardians, relocation agents and HR teams at multinational businesses.
You can register just to see the talks and participate in the Q and A live for just $47. You may prefer to register for your whole agency for $297. Everyone who shares the same email domain can be added to the list of attendees at no further cost. You can also watch or listen to the recordings through to 25 June 2021.

I can of course offer the one day training in Cultural Understanding for any guardianship organisation once Lockdown is lifted, or indeed be available to answer questions by email