Go backWelcome Home UK Guardians Gains Preliminary Accreditation!
By Aegis UK • March 15, 2022
Located in Lancashire, Welcome Home UK Guardians strives to provide a safe and caring guardianship service to overseas students and states that their main aim is to ensure students have a safe and enjoyable experience whilst in UK. Currently Welcome Home UK Guardians provides a service for students who originate from Hong Kong and China.
AEGIS Head of Inspections commented,
“The Director also acts as Designated Safeguarding Lead and understands the importance of this role. She is keen to learn and interact with external agencies, for example she has contacted the Local Safeguarding Partnership regarding training opportunities and knows the contact details for the DSL of the school the students attend.”
AEGIS offers the highest level of inspection and accreditation of guardianship organisations in the UK. Preliminary accreditation ensures all the essential elements are in place to provide safe guardianship and hosting of international students.