It is with great pleasure that we announce the appointment of our new Chair of Trustees, Adam Lubbock. Adam has been involved with AEGIS as a Trustee for several years and has a thorough understanding of the aims of AEGIS, educational guardianship and schools.
Adam Luboock, AEGIS Chair & Director of Kings’ River Education Ltd
Adam was brought up within a boarding house and later found himself back in the boarding environment as house master, along with his wife and two daughters. As the boarding community grew, Adam’s role developed into Director of Boarding and he gained insight into the care of international students.
“I became acutely aware of the risks placed on boarders and in particularly those from overseas when they were out of our care. I spent considerable time chasing holiday arrangements and very quickly became aware that there was a wide spectrum of different types of guardians. Having built up positive relations with a number of guardians, it became clear that most of those who became trusted and took the relevant interest in the child were in fact AEGIS accredited.”
Adam’s interest in guardianship increased and he was appointed AEGIS Trustee in 2016. As a trustee, for almost two years Adam oversaw the inspection process and enjoyed reading reports from the inspections team led by Jackie Scotney. It was during this time that Adam left his teaching role and made the move to become a Safeguarding Practitioner. Adam believes that it was his experience with AEGIS and being passionate about the safeguarding of international students that forged his path to where he is now.
“In these testing times I have been incredibly impressed by the amazing work being undertaken by our guardianship organisations and member schools. COVID-19 has had it’s twists and turns almost on a daily basis. The working together between all in the sector has been tested and also something that has been embraced positively. We have been proud of so many reports of great working together between guardianships, host families, the child, schools and parents. I have also witnessed guardianship organisations working together proactively to help solve problems and forging the way ahead through the COVID-19 minefield. There are short-term responses being looked at but there is a real sense that medium or even potential long-term plans will be needed to be in place.
The AEGIS office and Trustees have been extremely busy, and a great deal of work is being undertaken to support guardianship organisations and schools. We are really positive about the future and the engagement from all our members is very important to us.
You may be aware that the new Boarding Minimum Standards is due for release. The timing of their release may be uncertain at this time, but it is wonderful to be able to say that AEGIS has been listened to and that the area of guardianship is truly on the table at the highest level.
To conclude, AEGIS is in a very healthy position and we will continue to make great strides through the second half of 2020. The key message really is for us to embrace our wonderful charity and look forward to working together with other organisations as we go forward.”
We feel honoured to have Adam on board as Chair and look forward to working with him. A huge thank you to all our Trustees for their time and commitment to AEGIS.