City of London Freemen’s School

By August 8, 2019

About us

Freemen’s is academically selective and a leading co-educational school. Over the last few years, our exam results have gone from strength to strength with record results at both A level and at GCSE. The majority of students from Freemen’s go on to University study and usually upwards of 77% go on to Russell Group Universities. Anywhere between eight and 15 students secure a place at Cambridge or Oxford each year.

At Freemen’s we provide a truly holistic education for the young people in our care and the School is rightly proud of the high standards achieved in sport, music and drama and by the range of enrichment opportunities available to pupils in the school.

The School is one of three independent schools managed by the City of London Corporation (City of London). The City provides financial support in the form of bursaries and scholarships. Other links with the City of London and the Livery Companies are strong.

Applying to the School

Finding the right school for your child is not always easy, particularly when that school is in a different country. At Freemen’s, we know just how stressful this process can be, so we will guide you through every stage of our 5-step Admissions Journey. If you have any queries or concerns, our dedicated Admissions Team is only a phone call away.

Mission and Aims

Our Mission:<br />We want children at Freemen&rsquo;s to learn, to lead and to make a difference.

Our Aims:<br />We will do this by:

– nurturing a community of learners &ndash; adults and children &ndash; who are ambitious about what they might achieve in and out of the classroom;<br />- providing relevant opportunities for pupils to expand their horizons intellectually and socially; athletically and creatively; emotionally and spiritually;<br />- establishing an environment at Freemen&rsquo;s where everyone involved in the community is respected, trusted and supported;<br />- encouraging responsibility and capability; honesty and reliability; pride and passion;<br />- promoting determination and innovation; flexibility and adaptability; kindness and consideration;<br />-fostering in our pupils the confidence, curiosity, independence and wisdom to succeed in the next stages of their lives.

We are a diverse school with current students with the following nationalities: American, Australian, Belgian, British, Canadian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, German, Hong Kong, Indian, Irish, Japanese, South Korean, Lithuanian, Malaysian, New Zealand, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, South African, Spanish and Sudanese. Currently about 90% of students are British.
