Guardians International Support (GIS)

By Offshorly Dev August 8, 2019

Our approach puts your child at the centre of everything we do. We fully appreciate the investment that you are making in your child’s education and we believe that the key to success, is the environment your child experiences, at school, when travelling or whilst staying with host families.

Our mission is to make this rewarding and enjoyable, thus developing confidence, a much broader outlook on life and underpinning the social etiquette they are building at school. Members of our team have been host families and / or had their children at UK boarding and private schools, so we really understand the challenges your child will face as we have already dealt with these with our own children.

Our directors have over 25 years experience of operating within the UK boarding school sector and are unique in combining:

– Extensive experiences as a host family.<br />- Worked directly for leading UK boarding schools supporting international students.<br />- Providing a mixture of education and medical backgrounds.<br />- Focusing on Chinese speaking students only.<br />- And Directors have had, or have children in UK boarding and private schools.