Sherborne School

By August 8, 2019

Sherborne has been educating boys for more than 460 years. That means our school is part of a living heritage that stretches back for generations, providing a unique combination of distinctive features:<br />A full-boarding environment, where boys live, work, and study together seven days a week during term time. That generates a sense of community and purpose, and ensures there is plenty of time away from the classroom for boys to play, reflect, socialise, and develop their talents<br />An all-boys education, free from the distractions and pressures of a co-educational setting. Sherborne boys are allowed to be boys &ndash; something that we believe is essential to their growth<br />A unique location in a beautiful market town that is peaceful and safe, without being sleepy, and has excellent transport links to London<br />A strong partnership with Sherborne Girls, meaning our boys can socialise with girls and occasionally study alongside them, while enjoying the benefits of a single-sex education<br />Outstanding opportunities to excel, whether academically or in co-curricular activities. We are ambitious for our boys: with our help, they go on to achieve great things