English Guardian (part of UK Study Group)

By Offshorly Dev August 8, 2019

English Guardian is a London-based educational consultancy and guardianship agency, founded in 2006. For years, we have served as a reliable link between international families and British boarding schools, and take pride in our personal approach to every client. Our guardians not only deal with all daily matters related to a life in a boarding school and emergencies, but become caring mentors, who do their best to understand your child and his personality, provide academic and psychological support. Whether it is discussing a child’s academic performance with teachers or arranging a host family due to a delayed flight, we always make sure that any matter is dealt with promptly and in a professional manner.

All our guardians are multilingual, and languages we speak include Spanish, French, Russian, Armenian, Kazakh and Chinese.

AEGIS inspectors have provided the following evaluation of our guardianship services: “UK Study Centre offers a very high standard of educational guardianship, and makes appropriate arrangements for the use of host families when required. The quality of its student welfare and the efficiency of its administrative systems are regularly praised by students, overseas parents, host families and schools”. 

In addition to bespoke guardianship services, we offer a wide range of other services including school placements and educational consultancy for local and international families, language courses for adults and children, private tuition, advice and help with higher education applications.

Families from overseas can also benefit from our assistance with many related matters such as visas, accommodation, purchasing property, exploring investment opportunities and many more.

To send us an enquiry, please click <a href=”https://englishguardian.com/en/kontakty/%20″ target=”_blank”>here</a>.&nbsp;